Toomas Lukk, Estonian Ambassador to Canada
Music is as old as culture itself and universal across human societies. In Estonia, musical traditions date back to at least the 12th century. Since 1869, the beginning of the Estonian national awakening, the song festival “Laulupidu” has been the bearer of Estonian national identity. It is a tradition that has stood the test of time and attested to the strength and determination of the Estonian people.
Music played an important role during the restoration of Estonian independence too, helping to bring down Soviet tyranny. The sense of purpose and togetherness that comes with music and song has played an instrumental in Estonia’s path to freedom and democracy. The Singing Revolution demonstrated Estonia’s ability to show resistance with grace, a unique gift that Estonians should be proud of.
People, customs, and culture change over time. So does music, whose particular styles are redefined year after year and decade after decade. Yet the musical language unites different sounds, and the way musical vibrations make us feel, are one and the same, giving music a timeless quality and an ability to convey meaning throughout time and space. It is no wonder music accompanies people through all of life’s major events, all across the world.
Due to the pandemic, the last 18 months have been very difficult for everyone, Estonians and Canadians alike. In difficult times, something that helps is the feeling of mutual support and togetherness that Estonians call the “elbow feeling” (küünarnukitunne). When it is impossible to stand together, shoulder to shoulder or elbow to elbow, music in its different styles and forms still has the ability to create this “elbow feeling.” When human touch is out of reach, music can still touch us in profound ways, driving away despair and confusion, bringing joy, and changing our sense of the world.
I am very pleased to acknowledge that EMW will once again take place this year, at a time when COVID-19 has made us more worried than usual about what the future holds for us and our loved ones. It is heartening to see that despite COVID-19 induced limitations, organizers and musicians have been able to come together and find a way to bring Estonian music to global audiences. EMW 2021 is an impressive and inspiring team effort.
This year’s EMW reflects a diverse Estonian music landscape, where traditional Estonian sounds are played alongside numerous contemporary genres like Pop and R&B. It is sure to be a great show. I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to all organizers and musicians of EMW 2021 on this achievement and wish the audiences, whether attending concerts online or in person, a great musical experience.
Please follow the COVID-19 protocols and take care of yourselves and other guests! Stay healthy! Enjoy the EMW 2021!
Toomas Lukk
Estonian Ambassador to Canada